Find contact information and full background check.
Family search by name
Marriage and divorce information
Sometimes it's difficult to find it because people prefer to hide it.
Over time and with circumstances, you may have lost contact with your classmates and old friends. We will help you with people lookup.
Criminal record data
It is better to clarify everything with us because sometimes people hide their past. It can very often show your future!
All your requests will be hidden and available only to you. Everything is confidential and no one can view your search history.
Don't worry about the security and reliability of the details we provide and that you are looking for.
With a high flow of information, there are public records here.
Type in a name and click the search button
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"You saved me from a huge run-around with a car dealership. [...] called the actual owner, got the answer I wanted and got job done right."
Simon W., Wilkes Barre, PA
"Found the information needed to win a big contract with [a local organization]. Knew their history, their challenges and the right person to talk to."
Carolyn B., Dublin, TX
"When you're active in your community like me, HireMyFriend is the easiest resource I've found."
Carl H., Powder Springs, GA
"Great to know what's happening in the neighborhood with people, prices. And sometimes I like to know about friend's neighborhoods too."
Janet L., Oberlin, OH
Of course, we want our customers to be satisfied and feel safe. We don't have a goal to make money from you. However, if you are interested in a more detailed report, you can use our extended paid version.
Yes. Click on the DO NOT SELL MY INFO link.
Our employees are constantly processing the database and searching for information. Therefore, you can be sure of its relevance.
Everything is legal here. We buy databases from trusted sources and scan information on the Internet, for example, in social networks.